Saturday, May 11, 2019


We had two therapist come out today.  They are usually with the WISE program, but being on call for the weekend brought them to us today.  The big main concern was the glass in the window that is broken.  The glass that remains doesn't want to come out without a bunch more breaking.  And I'm just not doing it.  So they went and got some cardboard and covered it up.  The glass that is there is sharp and shardy.  They visited with the little man a bit.  It seems that mostly we are just getting to know each other phase with this. 
And then the escalation hit in the evening.  He was mad because I would not give him the key to my car.  Wanted to listen to music.  But they had been in the car and honking the horn.  So after three times of asking them to stop annoying the neighbors, I locked the car.  He followed me down the street and back.  I finally got him in the house and me outside the house and I hear the wonderful sound of breaking glass.  He had taken the cardboard down and broke the window some more.  Later I discovered he also broke two lightbulbs and a shade in the hallway.  Big fascination with glass.  Course every one has made a deal about the glass and he takes big deals as a sign.  I had to laugh at the cop who told me to quickly get the glass taken care of and house is not secure. 
The little woman ran to the neighbors and had them call 911.  I wasn't ready to go there yet.  After the sound of glass it had gotten quiet.  Which is how it usually goes.  Big outburst and then quiet as he sits in front of the television and calms down.  If the sound of destruction had went on beyond the two minutes it did I would have called.  But they came anyway.  Talked to the little man who was calm.  I managed to give him his breakthrough pill and his melatonin while they were here. 
He still was bit grouchy but fell asleep at 10. 
Maybe tomorrow we can get the cardboard back up.  Breathe. 

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