Sunday, June 2, 2019

Moving Joys

Oy.  Just the thought of it is daunting.  And we aren't anywhere near time.  I'm still looking.  I have opened up the idea of moving to Oregon, but I really don't want to.  And honestly there isn't much more available there than there is here.  And then there is Oregon State taxes to consider. 
So I'm thinking that even though an auction could get me something decent at a decent price....there is no guarantee.  So that puts me back to mobile homes.  And while I have no problem with that, other than finding ones that haven't "appreciated" soooo much, I really hate neighbors.  And all that are available seem to be in courts.  And in a court means they get to determine a lot of stuff.  Like what and when you do your yard.  Who can live in your house.  There are probably a whole slough of rules I haven't even thought of. 
That means I am back to looking for a small piece of land to put a mobile on.  And that has its own headaches.  Besides which, cheaper pieces of property seem to be in the Longview/Kelso area.  And I don't know that I want to be that far away.  Argh. 

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