Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Job

My very important job is taking good care of the littles.  It is a job that has been entrusted to me by their parents and the state of Washington.  And I try really hard.  And it is a very big job.  I love them so much.  Part of that job is ensuring their safety as best I can.  Accidents always happen and you can't plan for every contingency.  And so......
Dave and Cassie had a spat on facebook.  Rude things were said.  I don't care it is all pretty childish and petty.  They are supposedly both adults and yet both acted like something else.  While this happened Audrie was spending the night with Papa.  I decided that she needed to come home.  I went and picked her up and Dave's reaction is I believe Cassie.  Well I'm not getting into a pissing contest and I'm not taking either of their sides.  I am looking out for Audrie.  I'm taking her side.
Dave also wanted to know if I thought he was drunk.  Well no I didn't.  However......Mike has these tells when he is ready to go out and get high.  So does Dave.  And he had been exhibiting some of those tells the past couple of weeks.  I was hoping he would just get it back together.  Instead he gets into a rant on facebook and then claims it has nothing to do with nothing because he still has rants even when he is sober.  Well he doesn't.
Hopefully it was a small wake up call and he realizes what others saw.  I have a hard job and need all the help I can get, but I can go it alone.  Because first and foremost is the littles and they are my priority.
Facebook is never the place to wash your laundry and Mike and Cassie will always be the littles mommy and daddy even if they never parent them.

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