Sunday, December 21, 2014

Missing Dave

I have found that I miss him at the most unusual times.  When I get off work and I don't have a text from him.  Or when I wake up and same thing.  He liked to text me in the middle of the night and while I was at work.  I miss him when I go to text him to tell him something cute the littles did or said or what we are doing.  I miss him when I realize that my car is a mess and needs to be cleaned out.  I did that in his driveway and used his shopvac.  Hence a shopvac is on my Christmas list.  I miss him when I realize that something I want or need is at his my stockpot.
I dream about him a lot.  Nothing bad.  He's just in my dreams.  Guess that is fitting since Connor doesn't want to dream about him right now.
I miss him most when it is a really big emotion.  Like when I realized that Connor probably won't remember Papa Dad.
I was actually surprised to have some big emotions.  Mostly I don't.  I don't cry and still haven't.  But I was close a few times.  And I thought I should let that out.  It would be good for me and it would be good for the littles to see it.  I miss him then because there are things he still had to teach them that I can not.

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