Kristie had texted wanting to know if I wanted any of the food in Dave's pantry. That led to a long texting session back and forth. She explained to me how probate works. And why it has to move so slow and be completely accurate for the sake of the heirs......Doug, Tanya and Mike. It has to be fair to them. Anyway I backed off and told her what stuff was mine. She thanked me for being so understanding.
Well I'm not understanding at all. I know how probate works. I've been through it multiple times and Doug has never been through it. And I know exactly what the will says. Tanya gets $2500 and Doug gets 10% and Mike gets 5%.
Now I'm not worried about the value of the silverware or the couch. An estate sale would only add about $1500 to the estate if it all sold. So why Doug is so concerned about making an accurate's all control issues. And none of that stuff changes their percentage.
But I know how to play and play I will. At the very least I will get my stuff and we will see from there. And when it is done so am I. I'm too old for this crap, too tired for this crap. It really is ridiculous. It is just more of the same and I hate to say it, but the same has been going on for a long time. Through that whole thing the kids weren't mentioned once. Which is funny since they are the majority heirs. No questions about how they are doing or how their Christmas was or anything.
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