Sunday, December 28, 2014

Taking Stock, Moving Forward

The tree is down and gone.  The decorations are put away and the cards taken down.  Wrapping paper and boxes taken out to the dumpster and recycling.  Christmas is almost done.  We just have a package to finish up and get in the mail to Cassie.  Told her we would wait and mail it when she is in her new place.
Taking stock.  We had a good year and a bad year.  There was a lot of growth and a lot of healing in my relationship with Dave.  A lot of forgiveness there on both sides.  His last words to me were I love you.  My last words to him were I love you.   I felt him tug on a heart string about 2 the morning he died.  I knew he was saying good bye and expected the call.
We spent every holiday with Dave this last year except Christmas.  We had our anniversary date.  We had plans to go yurting and to Wildlife Safari.  Life threw us that curveball.
The littles grew in amazing amounts.  Connor is smart as a whip and has quite the sense of humor.  He has imagination and plays great.  Audrie is discovering her inner girl.  She is working on being a girly girl.  Loves to color and dress up.  Loves all the designer apps on the ipad for modeling and coloring.  They both love goosebumps and stinkies.  Amazing.
Mom progressed and the stress of Dave's illness and death didn't help.  But nothing ever does.  She is still home and sleeps a lot.  Doesn't cook.  Thank goodness.  We will see how that goes.

We look in good shape for my traditional lets see how long into the new year I can go before I have to spend money.  We are well stocked on cleaning supplies and tp.  The littles got a whole bunch of new supplies for their color drawer.  Crayons, pencils, construction paper and glue.  It was their need gift that they have to share. The cupboards are not bare but could always use a boost.  Hope to get that in before the new year.
Next year we are going to Wildlife Safari in January to complete that plan. We are going to do some more hiking and playing.  Soon as we get my bike from Dave's and the littles bikes we will figure out a way to start doing that.  Have to figure out what I need for a mini to be able to haul them.
Have found myself back reading at night and the littles are letting me now so next year should be a good year for reading.  About time.  I so enjoy it.
I've gotten used to not getting breaks like I did.  I think it helps that the littles are getting older and actually a little better behaved.  No one believes me on that because they act out when they are with me in the presence of other people.  And more so the last few months as we went through Dave's illness and death.  I think it is their insecurity showing and they want me to themselves.  Don't like to share me.  We may have to look into the Dougy house.  Every other thing that I read on  how to help them cope we were not allowed to do.  So we do the best we can and move it forward.
And babysitters.  Too bad I only use them for shopping, but it is what it is.  Thank goodness for them.  We love Zaysha and Elizabeth and both littles don't mind spending time with them.  And maybe it is time to institute date night and have a babysitter for that.  :p
We need to keep having our family dinners at Mom's house.  It is good for us to keep that connection as strong as we can for as long as we can.
And it is again time to broaden our horizon.  Expand our world.  It got a bit too small and it is time to change it.  Moving forward as always.

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