Friday, December 5, 2014

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

After waiting for three days to find out when the funeral is going to be...because we do have life to live I finally called Layne's and they told me.  Saturday, Dec. 13 at 11 AM.  Okay now I know I don't have to take any days off from work next week and I'm free to make plans for this weekend.  Other than it being a control issue and controlling every one else's lives waiting to find out when....I have no clue as to why Doug didn't let people know.
But I am not in charge.  I am not the boss.  My opinion is not solicited nor wanted.  I notice the snide little postings on facebook and I am a duck, but I also changed my settings so I don't have to see those kind of posts.  So I take a deep breath and chant the prayer because it is all I really can do and change my own attitude.  So that is what I'm trying to do and I know I won't be successful 100 percent of the time.
I am sorry for Doug's loss.  I know he did lose a parent even if they weren't close.  Doug has spent the last twenty years being a minimal member of our family. So he really has no idea of all the dynamics.  And he isn't willing to hear about them.  He has a job to do and he is going to do it at the expense of anyone else's feelings.
I'm trying to get the mindset that his way is not the wrong way just a different way.  It is just different than any way it has ever been done in this family.
One last dig though............I honestly feel like he went out of his way to make sure Dave didn't get to finish the plan for me to rent the house to give me time to try and buy it.  I'm not sure that me renting the house would have affected his percentage that much so it is kind of puzzling as to why.  He doesn't want it.  Uses the excuse that he can't afford it (and he probably can't).  And then it hit me.  He doesn't want me for a neighbor.

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