I love small world stories. So my neighbors upstairs named their wifi with their last name. Every time I log on I get to choose which wifi and I get a list of all available in my vicinity. So I saw it. One day I asked the young man if that was his last name and if he knew Ed. Well yes, yes he did. Ed is his father.
Ed was our logger.
So that was that until this weekend when the neighbor asked me my name because his dad couldn't place me from saying he did logging for us near BG Lake. So I told him and said Ed had logged Grandma's property first with Lyle. The neighbor goes oh that was a long time ago.
Yes, yes it was although it doesn't feel like it to me. Betty told me Grandma's was logged in 1996. So we met Ed almost twenty years ago. The neighbor would have been a little kid.
Then I proceeded to tell the neighbor my Ed story.
Ed did logging on our place to get ready for a house in 2001. So on Sept. 11 he had come to work and I went outside to tell him about the world trade buildings. He came in and watched it with me for about ten minutes. Ed is a strict Apostolic which means he doesn't watch TV. After ten minutes he went back out to work. I admired the man. He took it in and then got back to doing what was really important in his life. Working to support his family.
Just a small world sometimes.
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