Friday, October 6, 2017

A Question

When I got married, it was with the belief that it would be a lifetime (and it was).  But I thought that lifetime would be into our 70s and beyond. I always said I would not marry again.   I also did not expect that I would have to do the legal thing of divorce to make sure I was secure.  But life throws curve balls and so Dave died when he was 58 and I was 50.  And so 70s and beyond is still a long long time. 
While walking with Marti the other day she popped up with would I ever be interested in another when I have free time after the littles are grown.  She was referring to a marriage type relationship.  It gave me pause.  I hadn't been thinking anything on those lines. 
My life is good right now.  Not perfect, but good.  The littles and I enjoy the freedom we have.  I want to do something and we go and do it.  I don't have to take anyone else's schedule into account.  Now that we are in school it does change a bit.  But we still have a lot of freedom.
Then there is parenting.  I doubt I'm going to find another person who is going to be like me.  And I would be scared to bring anyone else into the parenting dynamic.  We have had enough damage and loss to last us a good long while. 
The littles are going to be with me for a long time yet.  And while time flies.....I will be 65 when the little man graduates from high school.  That is a long time before I have free time. 
So I guess the short answer and the long answer is maybe.  But I'm not looking for it now.  I'm enjoying happily ever after in all it's forms.  I was married to my best friend.  We created a family.  And that family continues.  And I'm enjoying the littles growing up.  And I'm enjoying life each day.  Learning new skills, being self sufficient, having the freedom to go to the beach on a whim.  My life is pretty full.  And when I feel like talking to men, I talk to my friends Doug, Tom, John, and Greg.  It's nice to have friends, but I don't need a husband. 

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