Saturday, October 7, 2017


Tom and I have been having this ongoing conversation.  I'll make a glib statement and he will tell me he knows.  And I remember.  He knew me when I was me.  And he brings that person out in me again.  I like being funny.  I like being outgoing and willing to try things.  I like who I was.
Who I was before having to deal with ex-spouses, step children, addictions and alcoholism.  I'm still that person, but those other things made changes along the line.  I'm less adventurous.  I don't let people in, not even those who came before.  I don't have that youthful confidence. 
I still think things will always work out, but I put a bit more planning into it.  I have great wit in my brain that I keep there.....most of the time. 
So we talked about how we did not end up where we thought we would be when we were young.  But we agreed that we are both blessed.  He with all his many friends, me with the littles.  And I am blessed to reconnect with those friends from my past who remind me of who I am and that I can be outgoing and I can be funny. 

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